Monday, May 3, 2010

Reading material and a video, to boot

Here's an amusing (perhaps hyperbolic, though maybe not) sociological analysis of Jewish life on the Upper West Side of New York.
(Footnote to Shoshie for finding this)

And the video for Hadag Nahash's best song on their new CD — עוד אח אחד (another brother).
The song is a cover of a song written by rapper "Fishy HaGadol" and speaks about the endless cycle of violence, the refrain stating:

עוד אח אחד ירד אל הקבר ומאמא בוכה היא בצעקות שבר, עוד אח אחד ירד אל הקבר את זעקות אבא שומעים מכל עבר
Another brother descends to the grave and mother cries out, with broken screams. Another brother descends to the grave; father's wails can be heard from all directions.

In addition to being a beautiful song musically, with poignant lyrics, this video socks the viewer in the gut toward the end.
(Footnote to the Peaceful lion on this one)

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